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Original artworks, prints and framed prints by Robin Broad, artist, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.


Robin Broad, artist, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

I am an artist based in Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK.

I studied A-Level technical drawing at school, and went on to study physics, electronics and computer science. I worked, for a while, as an electronics engineer at the BBC in London. During this time, I learned about colour vision and the representation of colour and luminance in electronic television signals. I later taught myself how to use photographic manipulation software and the meaning of HSV colour values in images. I suppose then, that my approach to art comes from quite a scientific and technical perspective.

I have always loved portraits and enjoyed visiting a range of art galleries, including The National Gallery, The National Portrait Gallery and The Tate Modern in London, The Scottish National Gallery and The Scottish National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh, and The Baltic, Laing and Hatton galleries in Newcastle upon Tyne.

I have always liked painting and I’m inspired by the work of Andy Warhol, Van Gough, Picasso, David Hockney, Nicolas Poussin, Kandinsky, Mark Rothko, Fabian Perez and Voka.

I love portraits, especially abstract portraits of iconic people; that is why I have taught myself to paint them. I especially like the loose free style of painting, adopted by Fabian Perez and Voka, and the abstraction of Warhol and Hockney. I guess that my journey in art has found it’s place in this area.

It’s great to finally have an online gallery where I can share my work with you! Working for myself, selling my own art work has been an ambition of mine for a long time now, so I would of course be delighted to receive an order from you, no matter how small! If you would like a picture painting that is not listed here, commissions are undertaken for a non-returnable deposit of £200. For enquiries, please email me at:

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Best wishes,

Robin Broad
June, 2022